Angeline The Baker

Way down on the old plantation, that’s where I was born,
Used to heat the whole creation, hoein in the corn;
Then I worked and then I played; I’s happy all the day,
Till Angeline the Baker came, and stole my heart away.

Angeline the Baker! Angelina Baker’s gone
She left me here to weep a tear
And beat on the old jawbone.

I seen her in the spring-time, I seen her in the fall,
I seen her in the cotton field, I saw her at the ball;
And ever‘ time I see her, boys; she’s smiling like the sun,
But now she’s gone and left me here, my Angelina’s gone.

Angelina she is so tall, she never sees the ground,
She has to take a telescope, to look down on de town
Angelina likes the boys as far as she can see ‚em,
She looks for the last around, and takes away their freedom.

Early in the morning, on a lovely summer’s day
I ask around for Angelina, they say “she’s gone away”
I don’t know where to find her, I don’t know where she’s gone,
She left me here to weep a tear, and beat on the old jawbone.

Stephen Foster ca. 1850


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*) Ein Halber Takt ‚1+‘